Improved question editor

Our question editor has gotten an overhaul, and we think you’re gonna love it!

So what’s new?

  • Edit questions in a live survey
  • Hide or show answer choices
  • Reorder answer choices
  • Delete answer choices
  • Add answer choices (in bulk)
  • Use images as answer choices

So if you need to add/hide/delete an answer choice or change the order of choices after launching a survey, you can. ?

What is the difference between hiding and deleting?

  • Deleted answer choices are permanently removed from the question and results. They will not appear in any reports or downloads.
  • Hidden choices are just not shown to respondents anymore when taking the survey. They do retain their results and still appear in reports and downloads.

Read more about editing a live survey

The new editor is available right now for most question types. Matrix questions will soon follow. Our team is already working on the next set of improvements, such as: setting scores for answer choices and adding display logic for answer choices.

We’ll keep you updated!


Join the conversation
  • Tere - November, 2018 reply

    In my survey, I’ve allowed respondents select the “other, please specify” as one of the answer options but I’ve noticed that there’s no way to mandate respondents who select this option to actually type in a description of what “other” means before moving on to the next question.
    Is there a fix for this?

    Nadia De Vriendt - November, 2018 reply

    hi Tere, thank you for reaching out. It’s correct that the “other, please specify” option isn’t mandatory. People who want to answer will put something in the textbox. If you force people you’ll most likely get more nonsense answers. By leaving it as a voluntary field you’ll get more qualitative responses which will only help you during your analysis.

  • Carole - March, 2018 reply

    I want my Matrix Single question scale to read from the left side from 5 (Very Satisfied) to the right side 1(Very Dissatisfied) 5…4….3…2…1
    Please advise if this can be done.

    Maarten Marijnissen - March, 2018 reply

    Hi Carole,

    First of all, you need to change the textual labels. The first one will become ‘Very satisfied’, the last one ‘Very dissatisfied’.
    Then, if you click on Settings in the question editor you can change the order of the scores by changing the scale label type to “…,3,2,1“.

    Good luck!

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