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Pause a survey

Respondents can stop filling out your survey whenever they like and resume it later on.

They can pause your survey by simply closing their browser window or by clicking on the Pause link.

Attention! Your respondent’s answers are saved when he clicks the Next button. So it is best to pause immediately at the beginning of a new page.


Close the browser window

When respondents close their browser, they can resume the survey simply by clicking the survey link again. They will automatically be brought back to the last page they were filling out.

Attention! If you have activated multiple submissions clicking the link will not resume the survey but open a completely new one.


Click on ‘Pause’

Respondents can also use the Pause link in the bottom left corner of the survey page.



After clicking the Pause link they will see the screen below.


They can save this URL and use it later to go back to the survey. They, too, will be brought back to the last page they were filling out.

You can turn the Pause button on or off in the Appearance menu:

  1. Go to your survey
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Appearance
  4. Thick the Show ‘Pause’ button in the Show / Hide screen elements


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  • Christine McCartney - May, 2017 reply

    Can you help? I sent out a survey and eleven respondents only partially completed it and then ‘submitted’. They want to go back in and finish it. How can I allow them to do this? Is there a way to give them their ID # so they can access it again? I can’t find the answer in the help info. Thanks!!

    Nadia De Vriendt - May, 2017 reply

    hi Christine

    If I’m not mistaken our Support team has already provided you with an answer via your ticket. Just as an FYI, here’s the response:

    You can send the panelists a link to modify their responses. Just send them the URL that opens when you click on edit from the ‘Respondents’ page.

    Here is an article that explains how:

    If you need any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out again!

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