Help Center

Invitation sending warm-up

Each time new contacts are added to a survey, the invitations will be sent out in batches that grow exponentially.

High complaint rate warning

This message means that your contacts are marking your email as SPAM and you need to take immediate action! This article explains which actions you can take to remedy the situation.

Domains blocked from import

CheckMarket blocks the import of email addresses that are known to belong to either a mailing list or spam detection service.

High bounce rate warning

If you’ve received a ‘High bounce rate warning’ message, the bounce rate for that specific survey is higher than 5% and email sending has been throttled.

Domains used in surveys

Here are a list of CheckMarket domains used in surveys. Make sure all of them are reachable if your respondents have limited internet access.

Bounce types and bounce subtypes

Bounced emails or bounce-backs are emails that are returned to you because they cannot be delivered for some reason. There are 2 types of bounced emails.

Own domain for surveys & reports

Use your own domain for emails, surveys and reports. This will dramatically increase the trustworthiness of your email invitations and surveys resulting in a higher response rate.

Contact statuses

You can review the contacts’ statuses for your survey. At a glance you will be able to see, for example, who has already responded and who hasn’t.