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Create a survey

It’s fast and easy to create a survey with the CheckMarket tool. Start from scratch or select one of the many templates we offer for free with your account.

Add questions to your survey

Add questions to your survey just by clicking on one of CheckMarket’s 19 question types. Once created, questions can be edited again quickly as well.

How to edit questions

This article explains in detail how to edit questions in the CheckMarket Online Survey Tool. We promise, it’s as easy as abc.

Testing your survey

Before launching your survey it is paramount that you test it. You can test the entire survey, test a few pages or pretend to be one of your contacts.

Survey quotas

CheckMarket’s survey quotas enable you to set sample sizes for different groups and then automatically screen out new respondents once full.

Multilingual survey best practices

Even though creating multilingual surveys in CheckMarket speaks for itself, here are some multilingual survey best practices to make your work even easier.

Show introduction on a separate page

The introduction text of a survey is shown on the same page as the first question. You can show the introduction on a separate page via the survey settings.

Textual changes in a live survey

You can make textual changes to your questions and answer options – also in a live survey – by using a little trick we call ‘Inline editing’.

7 tips for long surveys

Learn how to save lots of time when you are working on long surveys. Here are some tips to work faster that we have garndered from our own experience.

Add links to files to a survey

You can easily add links to files to your survey and/or your invitations. These files can be in any kind of format such as Excel, Word, PDF, etc.

Applying themes to surveys

You can manually change your survey’s appearance and afterwards save this design as a theme so you can re-use it later for other survey projects.

Embed a video in your survey

You can easily embed a video in your survey by copying the video URL from youTube (or another site) and following the other simple steps in this article.

Copy a survey

You can easily copy previously created surveys so you can re-use them for other projects. All surveys can be copied regardless of their status.

Pause a survey

Respondents can pause your survey and resume it later on. They will automatically be brought back to the last page they filled out.

Build a dashboard

You can create custom dashboards by using the embed function in our reports. It works just like embedding a YouTube video.